
Master 1

Page history last edited by Luciana Caldeira 13 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to Master 1 - PBworks


This is a real workspace! Here you'll get angaged with your classmates and students from another Master 1 class at Pró-Línguas so that we get to interact with everybody building a Learning Network.


This is a first experience and do not think of Luciana as the teacher. I'm going to be here suggesting activities, moderating, participating, but I do not know everything and will be learning together with you. I hope we can get the best from this work and really improve our knowledge and abilities in English learning.


This is not the only thing we are doing this semester, we will also have to work with Top Notch text and workbook and I will upload some extra activities that you can access here if you think it is necessary. Remember, an important concept and ability we should develop here, is autonomy. The most you study the better, so it is up to you, how far do you want to go?


We are supposed to:

  • participate in the activities that will be assigned here;
  • collaborate with the other participants;
  • suggest activities that you think might be interesting;
  • suggest links of sites, blogs, in which you find good resources;
  • share your opinions and reflections;
  • respect each other's opinions and reflections;
  • be polite when disagreeing;
  • sing in at least every two days to check if there are new exercises or activities.


Well, this is what I think you are supposed to do, but as I said, we are partners here, so what do you think we are supposed to do? Click in EDIT above and include at least one suggestion:




 Go to the Assignments page, to check new activities.


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  • The PBworks Manual can help show you how to edit and add videos or other widgets.
  • The best way to get your support questions answered is to click the help link at the top of this page. Our support gurus will get back to you asap. 



Hi all,

Here's the video I mentioned in Friday's class. It's very funny!!! Just to reLAX!!!!




Comments (38)

Raianne LC said

at 3:04 pm on Mar 8, 2011

Hey, dear. I have a suggestion, but I don't know where I can put it, so I'll put it here.

It's a kind of game and a way teacher Luciana can use to force us speaking only in English. If someone says a word in a language which isn't English, he or she pays 10 cents (or something like this) for a box. In the end of semester, we can get this money and pay a party for us.

What do you think about it?

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:45 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Raianne,
1. force us speaking... - force us to speak...;
2. of semester - of the semester.

Davi Ângelo do Rêgo Negreiros said

at 9:38 pm on Mar 8, 2011

NO way!!!

Thais said

at 11:47 am on Mar 9, 2011

Davi must pay more than this Raiane. hahaha


at 12:30 pm on Mar 9, 2011

I think it's a great game! We need someone to keep this money with. Or we can take note about how much everyone owes and in the end of semester these people can pay.

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:47 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Edna,
1. take note about - take note of ...
2. end of semester - end of the semester.

Raianne LC said

at 12:36 pm on Mar 9, 2011

Great ideia, Edna.
Davi and Andrey will pay more than the others.
Where's teacher? She has to express her opinion.

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:48 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Me again,
1. Where's teacher? - Where's the teacher?

wandrieli said

at 1:17 pm on Mar 9, 2011

It's a great idea!
I want to play o/

Nathália Melo said

at 1:49 pm on Mar 9, 2011

I guess at the end of the semester we will be rich...kkkk... :D

Raianne LC said

at 7:12 pm on Mar 9, 2011

Davi and Andrey will pay us a great party.

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:49 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Wandrieli,
1. A interesting - An interesting

Luciana Caldeira said

at 11:00 am on Mar 11, 2011

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your participation, I've been away for a while but I'm back now and happy because you are doing the job and in fact you do not need me to do that.
I loved the idea of the game, and I am looking forward meeting you next class to see what the others think.
See you then.

bruna said

at 7:34 pm on Mar 14, 2011

I'm a little lost here..
I need to go to the forum to see what I have to do?

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:25 pm on Mar 15, 2011

HI dear,
You'll find the activities you have to do in the Forum 1 page, The Vocabulary Project page, the VOKI page and in the Assignments page.
Good Luck!

Ana Isabel Mansur said

at 4:12 pm on Mar 15, 2011

The idea of the game was really great. Well done, Raianne, hahaha. Now, we just need a safe to keep our money.

Davi Ângelo do Rêgo Negreiros said

at 3:57 pm on Mar 16, 2011

ok I´ll do it

Raianne LC said

at 10:26 pm on Mar 16, 2011

Davi, don't be a cheat!

Bel, Edna came up with an excellent idea. She said we can take note of the people's name and how much they have to pay. And, at the end of semester, they pay.

Lucas Rodrigues Silva said

at 3:48 pm on Mar 18, 2011

I agree with Dave idea but I can keep the money too

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:51 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Lucas,
1. Dave idea - Dave's idea
See ya.

Davi Ângelo do Rêgo Negreiros said

at 3:59 pm on Mar 18, 2011

That´s right!!! LOL

Andrey Negreiros said

at 8:58 pm on Mar 18, 2011

Bad idea, I going to be poor in the end of the game!

Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:52 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Andrey,
1. I going to be - I'm going to be

Rebecca said

at 9:17 pm on Mar 18, 2011

I agree with Andrey, until the end of the semester I'll be poor and I'll stop my course to pay for my mistakes! hahaha

Andrey Negreiros said

at 10:15 pm on Mar 18, 2011

Yeah, and let´s not forget about Jaime, he would be so scrub...

Drielly Nunes Ribeiro said

at 11:20 pm on Mar 18, 2011

Hi people!
I loved this idea, too. I want to play with you.. But, we have to pay not much money, please.. because I'm just a student, so I'm poor ;p

Laís Gomes said

at 10:17 pm on Mar 19, 2011

I agree with this idea and I think this is gonna add so much in our knowledge and skill in english. But is important note the word and try to say to help us learn it. I think that is better teacher Luciana help us with the money to avoid any problem.


Luciana Caldeira said

at 2:59 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Laís,
1. add so much in - add so much to;
2. skill in english - skills in English;
3. But is important note the word - But it is important to take note of the word...;
4. I think that is better teacher Luciana help us with the money to avoid any problem - I think that teacher Luciana should help us with the money to avoid any problems.

Luciana Caldeira said

at 7:00 pm on Mar 22, 2011

Hi People,
Im back after a long time away. Sorry for that. You are still talking about the game, I think it would be great and I don't believe that would help us save enough for a party. Anyway, you decide if we are playing or not. But if any of you decide not to play, it is OK, then.

Grazielle Teles said

at 7:02 pm on Mar 22, 2011

Well, sincerely, I don't want to play. :) Thank you!

Morgana Bennett said

at 4:39 pm on Mar 23, 2011

Teacher I don't want to play.
I think is not necessary this game, we don't have a lot of problems if portuguese in our class!!


Luciana Caldeira said

at 3:01 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Hi Morgana,
1. I think is not necessary this game - I think this game is not necessary;
2. problems if portuguese - problems with Portuguese

Nathália Melo said

at 9:49 pm on Jun 4, 2011

Hey Teacher,
The video is really really funny..
I laughed a lot....


at 5:49 pm on Jun 13, 2011

Hi teacher.
I think these video show us what´s happen with almost all English students! Eachone has some problem. I have all!!! rsrs

wandrieli said

at 6:18 pm on Jun 13, 2011

It is a interesting and funny movie... I think I am like the woman that have a small vocabulary.. rsrs

wandrieli said

at 6:19 pm on Jun 13, 2011

I am just kidding, I think I have a good vocabulary! :)

Thais said

at 8:59 pm on Jun 24, 2011

Could someone please, tell me if tomorrow we are going to have class????

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